Padang Panjang – Kauman Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Padang Panjang has been flooded with Curriculum Merdeka projects which were implemented for grade VII MTsM and X MAS KMM students this weekend (26-30 Sept 2022).
This school implements the ISTEM (Islamic-Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) method adopted from the STEM learning method implemented in the United States since the 1990s. This approach is stated as a 21st century learning approach in an effort to produce humans with cognitive, psychomotor and affective qualities.

This ISTEM combines various disciplines of knowledge. In Science, Activities that involve the understanding and application of natural phenomena and states of social behavior using a systematic methodology, and based on evidence through observation and experimentation. technology will give birth to innovations for natural modification so that human needs and desires are met. Field of Engineering / engineering where knowledge and skills to design and construct useful machines, systems, materials and processes. Mathematics, everything related to patterns, relationships, numbers, quantities, and space and provides a language for technology, engineering and science.

Based on this understanding, it can be concluded that this method is quite challenging to implement. The projects taking place this month in Kauman are:
1. Soap from Waste Cooking Oil (Class X 2 pi)
2. Vacuum Cleaner from Used Bottles (Class X 2 Pa) This class X 2 student was accompanied by Raudatul Jannah, S.Pd , Adri Desis Putri, S.Pd, Silvia Yasni, S.Pd and Amanda Putri, S.Pd.
3. Electric Broom (Class X Olympiad) accompanied by Afdal Safitri, M. Pd, Emri Agus, Lc, Ilham Safitri, S. Pd, Zulfhadli, S. Pd. Project
4. Healthy Meatballs from Durian Seeds, (Class X 1) with Dra. Irna Dusky
5. Wind Power Plant (Class X ITT) with Ust. Januar Efendi, S.Pd.
6. Air Freshener (Class VII) with Ummi Febriyanti R. Akmil, S.Pd, Tisnawati S.Hum, Mona Mustiati, S.Pd.
7. Decorative Lamp with Songket (Class VII B) with Yuhaldi, S.Pd, M.Pd, Lydia Heriani, S.Sn, Desrita, S.Pd, Rezi MD, S.Pd and Nurfitri, S.Pd
8. Alarm for Ballot Box (Class VII Tahfidz) accompanied by Harif Pratama, S.Ag, Diana Agustin, S.Pd, Suryani Putri, S.Pd and Mar’atun Hamidah, S.Pd
Dr. Derliana, MA said “We got this method after we returned from Singapore. Learning with this approach is kinda hard for all of us, but this will certainly be very suitable for the current era where it builds the ability of students who are creative, innovative, and solutive. We believe that education seeks to adapt and develop a new culture proportionally and dynamically. And that is what we are doing together today,” said Mudir Kauman.