Karya Film Santri MA KM KAUMAN “Nestapa” Lolos Seleksi Nasional Dalam Event Festival Film Indie di Lampung 2024

Padangpanjang, Public Relations-After registering for the 2024 indie film festival in Lampung, the students received information from the event committee on Wednesday, April 17 2024 that the work they had registered had passed the selection.

The 2024 Lampung Film Festival screening will be held offline at Hall IIB Darmajaya Bandar Lampung and also online via Live streaming on the Lampung Film Festival YouTube Platform which will be held from 22 to 26 April 2024.

Followed by hundreds of filmmakers throughout Indonesia, Ali Nurdiansyah, as accompanying teacher, was very grateful for this good news,

“Thank God, the work of the Kauman Islamic Boarding School students has passed the first stage of selection. This is also something new in Kauman because it is the first time they have participated in a competition in the field of cinematography at the national level,” he said.


He added, “Therefore, we will also prepare as much as possible for the departure and later in Lampung we will carry out a screening activity for our own film. We hope that this event will be a valuable experience for Kauman students, not only will they gain experience but also gain knowledge.” friends, and motivation as the forerunner of young filmmakers at the Kauman Islamic boarding school,” said Ali.

At the same time, the Director of the Kauman Islamic Boarding School, Dr. Derliana, MA expressed her appreciation to the Kauman student film team,

“Umi really appreciates the “Nestapa” film team for trying and working to take part in the competition at the national level, namely in Lampung. Hopefully this is the first step for Kauman students to make even better work in the future,” said Derli.

Next, representatives from the team will go to Lampung to carry out a screening and presentation about the work of the film “Nestapa” which is planned to be released on Monday, April 22 2024. (*)

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